by Greggory Elias | Nov 11, 2019 | LLMs / NLP, Project Management
10 Best Practices for Storing Labeled Data You just had your big idea. You read a lot, and you thought it would be interesting to have a classifier that labels a speaker’s tone and determines their political affiliation. How would you begin to break down the problem...
by Greggory Elias | Nov 6, 2019 | LLMs / NLP, Project Management
What You Should Know Before You Select aSentiment Analysis Dataset Why do you need a sentiment analysis dataset for training?Sentiment models are a type of natural language processing (NLP) algorithm that determines the polarity of a piece of text. That is, a...
by Greggory Elias | Oct 23, 2019 | LLMs / NLP
Are We Really Making Progress on Neural Recommendation Approaches? A summary of Maurizio Ferrari Dacrema, et al.’s Recent Article at RecSys 2019 Neural Recommendation AlgorithmsRecommendation algorithms have become ubiquitous across commercial fields, from the Amazon...
by Greggory Elias | Sep 10, 2019 | LLMs / NLP
Searching for top 20% facts We all know that there’s an infinite amount of data on the internet for essentially any topic. Don’t believe me? Let’s test it. It took Google 0.46 seconds to give me 460 MILLION results for “multi-label text classification.” You get the...
by Greggory Elias | Aug 26, 2019 | Enterprise AI, LLMs / NLP, Project Management
Real-time production models – How do they differ from benchmark tests? What are Real-Time Production Models and Benchmark Tests? Real-time production models are models that enable users to take data collected during production and analyze both current production...
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