AI Solutions for News Media Companies

Artificial Intelligence can enhance the performance of News Media companies to deliver news quicker.

Here’s how we can use AI and Machine Learning to deliver bespoke, problem-solving solutions for News Media companies big and small.
AI Solutions For PR & Communications Companies

Provide news before it’s news

Aggregate global news in seconds Use AI to read, aggregate, and condense news articles from thousands of sources in seconds. Enable your team to know what’s happening, when it’s happening, while fact-checking every step of the way to reduce the propagation of fake news.

Aggregate global news in seconds

Machine-powered editing services Have AI learn how your journalists write and how your audience reads. Use AI to streamline your editing processes, highlighting misses in grammar, vocabulary, and even tone.

Machine-powered editing services

Create news with data analysis Have a hypothesis you want to test on? Run massive data analysis in seconds. Read, sum-up, and prove or disprove a theory. Make headlines for all the right reasons.

Create news with data analysis

Monitor entities and keywords Get statistics on companies, people, institutions, locations, and more to quickly and easily add contextual information alongside your content.

Monitor entities and keywords

Streamline processes for journalists

Beat writer’s block

Use AI to help your journalists beat the block. Have AI lure journalists out of writer slumps by asking provocative questions and prompting writers to write.

Image and video tagging

Organize your data: be it videos, images, or something else. Have AI tag and store your data in an internal database making it more searchable and navigable for your team.

Streamline workflows

Ensure no one is swimming upstream. Automatically progress tasks, and have AI assign journalists topics that best suit their skill sets and network.

Transcribe or translate news from other source types

Foreign news coming to your doorstep? No problem. Use AI to transcribe or translate foreign news sources, so you’re able to relay it in a language that makes sense to your readers.

Deliver on the news your community cares about


Personalize news feeds

Use AI’s predictive analytics to learn the type of news readers are interested in—even if they don’t know it themselves. Continue curating news feeds that adapt with your readers.

Personalize news feeds


Moderate UGC

Keep tabs on any comments that breach your policies, or promote hate speech on your articles. Have AI run sentiment analysis and flag any comments that may need reporting to your team.

Moderate UGC


Build a sense of community

Foster positive conversations around your New Media company. Have AI analyze comments on news articles and generate responses to keep the conversation going.

Build a sense of community


Rework your news for different outlets

Generate human-like audio for on-the-go podcasts, scripts for news broadcasters, headlines for copy, or captions for social media. Whatever you’re using to share your news, stay consistent to your company yet relevant to the platform.

Rework your news for different outlets


Help readers find the news they’re looking for

Use semantic search to create a search bar that returns relevant results to human queries, not exact text matching that fails to satisfy search intent.

Help readers find the news they’re looking for

Develop information management solutions for your News and Media Company

Analyze The Underlying<br />
Sentiment In Media

Sentiment analysis

Uncover the sentiment of topics, keywords, and entities to keep track of what’s being said and where about your product. Enabling you to be proactive, rather than reactive.
Effortlessly Classify<br />
Incoming Information

Information classification

Analyze and classify data from all over to create one, unified Business Intelligence dashboard for more-informed decision-making, and smoother product growth.
Information Extraction

Information extraction

Easily extract key information for storage and use in your internal and external front-end systems, enabling you, and your teams, to make smarter decisions.

Accessible AI for News Media happens here

This is what AI in News Media looks like

NITL saves hours of editorial work every week by using AI

NITL saves hours of editorial work every week by using AI

News In Three Lines partnered with Skim AI to build an AI model that helps aggregate daily news from over 500 sources and deliver it in three lines to readers across the globe.

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How NewsPrime used AI to serve user-specific content

How NewsPrime used AI to serve user-specific content

NewsPrime partnered with Skim Ai to serve more specific content to users, as well as summarize and translate the news.

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How Jiffie News stayed agile to scale their product

How Jiffie News stayed agile to scale their product

Jiffie News partnered with Skim Ai to keep their team small and agile while building their social media platform for sharing and discussing news.

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