Deliver your photo and film projects in half the time
Say see ya with segmentation
Automate the removal of unwanted people and objects from the background across thousands of images and video frames at a time. Enable your team to faster apply edits to the subject or foreground.

Implement dynamic chroma key
Use real-time segmentation to remove your subjects from a greenscreen background in a flash, so your talent can get to the bulk of the edit quicker.

Object detection at a faster rate
Looking for objects across a scene for removal, processing, or for identification for potential marketing opportunities? Have AI help you out. Rather than spending hours scanning photos yourself, have AI recognize and flag the objects for you. Where’s Wally 2.0.

Image and video tagging for easier storage
Organize your data: be it videos, images, or something else. Have AI tag and store your data in an internal database making it more searchable and navigable for your team.
Streamline creative’s workflows
Ensure no one is swimming upstream. Automatically progress tasks, and have AI assign photographers and filmmakers topics that best suit their skill sets and network.

Style transfer in a click
Getting stylish has never been this simple. Apply stylization of colors, textures, and lines across images and movies using images or frames as inputs for a style and applying it to other images or whole videos/movies. Automate the entire process and save your team hours of time.
Subtitles in a flash
Have AI listen to audio and interpret this into subtitles, so your team can focus on the stylistic delivery of your film content, rather than running cumbersome tasks that need to be done.

Accessible AI for photo and film happens here
This is what AI in photo and film looks like

Sebring Revolution saves time and money in post-production work with AI
Sebring Revolution partnered with Skim AI to automate a huge part of their multidimensional media post-production process—enabling the team to deliver work a week faster than before.

Hyperreal uses Generative AI for video rendering
Hyperreal partnered with Skim Ai to produce high-quality images and video fit for TV in a fraction of the time.
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