We’ve made it even easier to take notes your way. Whether you're reading through the original content, reviewing the summary or checking out the facts, we've rolled out a few new features that remove barriers to streamlining your research even further.
Custom Slider for Summary Length
Customize the desired length of your summaries with Skim AI's new Summary Slider. Choose between 10% and 35% of the length of the original text to get as much or as little detail as you need.
Double Click to Save Text
Moved on from skimming to extensive reading? No need to slow down to take notes. With Skim AI enabled, you can now double click any sentence to save it to your themes on the fly.
Easily save text from summaries, & fact / opinion lists
From the facts, opinion and summary pages, you can now save individual points to your Skim AI themes. With the simple click of a button, the source and segment are stored away for easy retrieval from your customizable themes.
OpenAI at the forefront of many groundbreaking AI developments and is constantly in the news, for both innovation and turmoil. As the company experiences shifts in its talent pool, including a recent brain drain of talent to the outside,
In this article, we are going to break down an important research paper that addresses one of the most pressing challenges facing large language models (LLMs): hallucinations. The paper, titled "ChainPoll: A High Efficacy Method for LLM Hallucination Detection,"
Perplexity Pages is an innovative tool developed by Perplexity AI that aims to redefine the boundaries between search engines, research platforms, and content management systems. It is generating buzz for its potential to create visually appealing articles and detailed