AI Solutions for EdTech

Artificial Intelligence can enhance the performance of Education Technology to deliver unbeatable experiences to learners.

Here’s how we’ve used AI and Machine Learning to deliver bespoke, problem-solving solutions for EdTech businesses big and small.

Provide a personalized learning experience

Creare sistemi di raccomandazione dei contenuti

Create content recommendation systems

Show users the content they want to see—when they want to see it—with advanced filters to improve recommendations. You’ll generate increased page views, greater time on site, more engagement, and decrease student churn.

Deploy user-based recommendation systems

Deploy user-based recommendation systems

Enhance your content recommendations and more with user profiles that consider and reference user interests, consumption metrics, usages habits, and similar users. Build on employee retention rates.

Improve the learning process for everyone

Create new text with summarization

Create new text with summarization

Make content management and creation easier with AI-generated text that sounds like you, not Siri.

Translate courses in a flash

Translate courses in a flash

Parlez-vous français? Español? Deutsch? 中国人? No problem, we create AI solutions that can generate all the translations you need, enabling you to reach more people.

Transcribe For Faster Course Accessibility

Transcribe for faster course accessibility

Publish learning materials faster without sacrificing accessibility—that’s AI transcription. Save time and money on going to market.

Generate audio to read articles

Generate audio to read articles

Not just any audio—your audio. Train a custom voice to read articles to facilitate on-the-go audio for your learners and reach a wider, more diverse audience.

Show More Accurate Results With Semantic Search

Show more accurate results with semantic search

Create a search bar that returns relevant results to human queries, not exact text matching that fails to satisfy search intent.

Monitoraggio di entità e parole chiave

Monitoraggio di entità e parole chiave

Ottenete statistiche su aziende, persone, istituzioni, luoghi e altro ancora per aggiungere rapidamente e facilmente informazioni contestuali ai vostri contenuti.

Develop information management solutions for your EdTech product

Keep an eye on your brand with sentiment analysis

Keep an eye on your brand with sentiment analysis

Scoprire il sentiment di argomenti, parole chiave ed entità per tenere traccia di ciò che viene detto e dove sul vostro prodotto. Permettendovi di essere proattivi, anziché reattivi.

Classify data for simple analytics

Analizzare e classificare i dati provenienti da ogni parte per creare un cruscotto di Business Intelligence unificato per prendere decisioni più informate e per una crescita più fluida del prodotto.

Extract information from key documents

Extract information from key documents

Estraete facilmente le informazioni chiave per archiviarle e utilizzarle nei vostri sistemi front-end interni ed esterni, consentendo a voi e ai vostri team di prendere decisioni più intelligenti.

This is what AI in EdTech looks like

Ahura Used AI To Improve Online Learning

Ahura used AI to improve online learning

Ahura AI partnered with Skim AI to improve Elearner engagement rates for their EdTech platform.

Accessible AI for EdTech happens here

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