Logotipo Ahura AI


Lemontech se asoció con Skim AI para clasificar cientos de miles de casos judiciales en un instante. Su sistema de IA facilitó a los usuarios la búsqueda de expedientes judiciales específicos y el seguimiento de casos mediante la búsqueda por entidades, direcciones, nombres, empresas, etc.

Industria: Legal


Who is Lemontech?

Lemontech is a private equity-owned provider of legal tech solutions to lawyers in Latin America. They make it easy to track cases and the status of cases and make it simpler for law firms to manage their caseload. Recognized by Chambers & Partners, Lemontech is trusted by over 1,300 law firms.

¿La misión?

To be the number one technological ally of all legal areas in all of Latin America.


El reto

Lemontech wanted to build a system that could classify hundreds of thousands of cases at once, and it wasn’t feasible to solve this problem by hiring humans as a resource. What’s more, their current way of running things was via a court system in Chile, and the team needed to build a system that could read the court system’s API to access case information and monitor for updates, presenting information clearly and concisely to human representatives.

El reto

El objetivo

The goal was to accurately represent the information in legal filings and make them searchable and usable in the Lemontech tool. Lemontech wanted to be able to track cases effortlessly, including case statuses on a flow chart, and being able to search via entities, addresses, names, companies, and more.

El objetivo

La solución

The Skim Ai team built two generative AI models.

El equipo de Skim AI también creó modelos de IA y ML para:

  • An AI model to classify cases based on a case flow chart
  • An AI model to extract entities to make them searchable and usable for the Lemontech team and customers

Overall, this would enable their team to work more efficiently and ensure every law firm working with them has easier, smoother access to legal filings in Latin America.

La solución

Cientos de personas confían en nosotros: desde emprendedores y nuevas empresas hasta grandes compañías.

El mejor equipo de IA está listo y esperando para ver cómo la IA y el ML pueden optimizar su negocio y ahorrarle decenas de horas de trabajo cada semana. 

Red válida
Revolución Sebring
Ahura AI
Protocolo Big Data
Red válida
Revolución Sebring
Ahura AI
Protocolo Big Data

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