
Grifin partnered with Skim AI to build out AI models that enabled them to classify transactions, match transaction data to public companies, and identify subsidiary companies of public companies for more relevant investing. 

산업: Fintech

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Lorem Ipsum simply text of the printing industry type galley of type and scrambled it to make type book typical project.

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Lorem Ipsum simply text of the printing industry type galley of type and scrambled it to make type book typical project.

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Lorem Ipsum simply text of the printing industry type galley of type and scrambled it to make type book typical project.

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Lorem Ipsum simply text of the printing industry type galley of type and scrambled it to make type book typical project.

let's Expert Talk

Who are Grifin?

Crypto & Blockchain

Grifin is an automatic investment services designed to help customers invest in the businesses relevant to them. The company automizes investment depending on how much a customer spends with a certain business, they make investing easy, and automated, yet keep the control in the hands of their customers. 

The mission? To make investing fun by building healthy investment habits.

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The challenge

Grifin wanted to expand its network of potential investments for users. They wanted to identify any subsidiary companies that a larger company may own to present investors with further opportunities to invest in brands that are relevant to them. 

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The Goal

The goal was to be able to identify which smaller companies are owned by larger private companies and to be able to identify which companies are relevant to Grifin users going on their purchasing history.

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The Skim AI team built created a generative AI model to identify which public companies own a subsidiary company. The team built a model to help classify credit card transactions and more accurately assign them to a public company. 

The team also created a company database from corporate filings to resolve which public companies own smaller companies. 

Overall, this enabled Grifin to provide more relevant investment opportunities for users.

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The process

Day 1: Contract Signed.

Month 1: Company onboarding.

Month 2: Gathered examples for under-represented companies to improve accuracy when predicting less represented companies.

Month 2—6: Implementing, and iterating on MVP and began building the company database.

기업가 및 스타트업부터 대기업에 이르기까지 수백 명의 신뢰를 받고 있습니다.

AI와 ML을 통해 비즈니스를 최적화하고 매주 수십 시간의 업무 시간을 절약할 수 있는 방법을 보여드리기 위해 최고의 AI 팀이 준비되어 있습니다.

유효한 네트워크
세브링 혁명
아후라 AI
빅 데이터 프로토콜
유효한 네트워크
세브링 혁명
아후라 AI
빅 데이터 프로토콜

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