What is AutoGen? Our Guide to the Multi-Agent Platform – AI&YOU #61

Use Case: Danish multinational pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk is using AutoGen to develop a production-ready multi-agent framework.

Multi-agent systems and エージェント型ワークフロー represent a paradigm shift in AI, offering enhanced flexibility, scalability, and problem-solving capabilities. By distributing tasks among multiple specialized agents, these architectures can tackle complex challenges that were previously difficult or impossible for single-model AI to address effectively.

AIアーキテクチャが進化するこの状況において、マイクロソフトは次のように述べている。 オートジェン emerges as an innovative framework, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with multi-agent systems.


What is AutoGen? The Multi-Agent Platform – AI&YOU #61

AutoGen is a comprehensive platform designed to create and orchestrate multiple capable agents that work in concert to solve complex tasks. At its core, AutoGen enables the development of customizable and conversable agents that can leverage the power of 大規模言語モデル(LLM) 人間の入力とフィードバックを取り入れながら。この革新的なアプローチは、従来のAIアプローチでは困難であった複雑なワークフローに取り組むことができる、より柔軟で強力かつ洗練されたエージェントシステムの作成を可能にします。



The core concept behind AutoGen is the orchestration of multiple AI agents, each potentially specialized in different areas or equipped with various tools, to collaborate and solve complex tasks.




  1. マルチエージェントアーキテクチャ: Assistant agents for tasks, user proxy agents for human interaction

  2. Customizable, conversable agents: Task-specific tailoring, natural language interactions

  3. LLM統合: Advanced NLP capabilities

  4. Code execution: Generate, execute, debug code; ideal for software development

  5. ヒューマン・イン・ザ・ループの機能性: Varying levels of human involvement

  6. 柔軟なワークフロー・オーケストレーション: Complex, multi-agent collaborations

Microsoft AutoGen


AutoGen’s core is its multi-agent conversation framework, enabling:

  1. エージェント間のコミュニケーション: Info exchange, Q&A, teamwork

  2. タスクの分解と委譲: Breaking tasks, role assignments

  3. Collaborative problem-solving: Combined strengths for complex issues

  4. Adaptive workflows: Dynamic approach based on results/new info

  5. 意思決定の強化: Multiple perspectives, human feedback

This framework represents a paradigm shift in AI system construction. By moving beyond single-model limitations, AutoGen enables more sophisticated, adaptable AI applications that better address real-world complexities.


The foundation of AutoGen’s multi-agent conversation framework lies in its customizable and conversable agents.


The Assistant Agent is a cornerstone of AutoGen’s architecture, primarily responsible for task execution. This agent type excels at code generation, problem-solving, and providing responses to complex queries.






AutoGen’s seamless integration with large language models significantly enhances the capabilities of its agents. This integration allows AutoGen to leverage advanced natural language processing and generation abilities while maintaining the flexibility and specialization of its multi-agent framework.

Microsoft AutoGen



Assistant agents can generate code based on high-level descriptions, while other agents can simultaneously review and debug the generated code. This collaborative approach can significantly speed up the development process and reduce errors.


Multiple agents can work in concert to process large datasets, identify patterns, and generate insights. One agent might focus on data cleaning and preprocessing, while another specializes in statistical analysis, and a third in creating visualizations.


By combining the strengths of multiple capable agents, AutoGen can tackle complex, multi-step problems that would be challenging for single-model approaches. For instance, in a customer service scenario, one agent could handle natural language understanding, another could search a knowledge base, and a third could formulate a response, all coordinated seamlessly within the AutoGen framework.


Researchers can use AutoGen to create sophisticated agent systems that can generate hypotheses, design experiments, analyze results, and even author research papers. The framework’s flexibility allows for rapid prototyping and iteration, accelerating the pace of innovation in fields ranging from drug discovery to materials science.


How AutoGen and Llama 3 Can Help You Create AI Agents

The combination of AutoGen and Meta’s Llama 3 creates a powerful synergy for developing advanced AI agents. AutoGen’s multi-agent framework provides the structure and orchestration capabilities needed to manage complex workflows, while Llama 3 offers the linguistic intelligence required for sophisticated natural language interactions.

This combination allows developers to:

  1. Create multi-agent systems with enhanced language understanding: Agents powered by Llama 3 can communicate more effectively within AutoGen’s collaborative environment.

  2. Handle complex LLM workflows with greater efficiency: AutoGen’s workflow management capabilities, combined with Llama 3’s processing power, enable the handling of intricate, language-intensive tasks.

  3. Develop more versatile and adaptable AI solutions: The flexibility of AutoGen’s framework, coupled with Llama 3’s advanced language capabilities, allows for the creation of AI agents that can tackle a wide range of challenges across various domains.

By leveraging the strengths of both AutoGen and Llama 3, developers can create AI agents that are not only more capable and efficient but also more adaptable to the evolving needs of modern applications. This powerful combination sets the stage for a new generation of AI solutions that can handle increasingly complex tasks while providing more natural and intuitive interactions with users.

Building AI agents

Creating AI Agents with AutoGen and Llama 3

To create AI agents with AutoGen and Llama 3, set up a development environment by installing AutoGen, configuring Llama 3 access, establishing API connections, and preparing a secure environment for code generation and execution.

Designing multi-agent systems: Define specific roles for each agent, plan their communication and collaboration, integrate Llama 3’s capabilities, and implement human-in-the-loop features within AutoGen’s flexible framework.

Implementing complex workflows: Break down your project into manageable subtasks, visualize information flow and decision-making processes, develop error handling mechanisms, design for scalability, and integrate Llama 3’s advanced language processing capabilities to enhance performance.

AutoGen vs crewAI: Comparative Analysis

Two prominent players in the AI agent space are AutoGen and クルーAI. Both platforms offer unique approaches to creating AI agents, but they cater to different user needs and have distinct features. AutoGen, an open-source framework from Microsoft, enables the development of LLM applications using multiple conversing agents. On the other hand, crewAI is a platform designed for orchestrating role-playing autonomous AI agents that collaborate to automate tasks.

Framework and Approach

  • AutoGen: An open-source framework providing developers with tools to build multi-agent systems, supporting diverse conversation patterns and customizable agents.

  • crewAI: A structured platform for creating and managing AI agents, allowing users to define agents with specific roles, goals, and backstories.

Agent Customization and Flexibility

  • AutoGen: Offers extensive customization options, giving developers full control over agent definition, LLM integration, and conversation flows.

  • crewAI: Provides a user-friendly interface for designing agents with defined roles and goals, simplifying the process of creating diverse agent teams.

Code Execution Capabilities

  • AutoGen: Features containerized code execution, allowing agents to safely run LLM-generated code, crucial for tasks involving data analysis or complex computations.

  • crewAI: Integrates with LangChain tools like Python REPL and Bearly Code Interpreter for executing LLM-generated code, providing valuable code execution capabilities for many use cases.

Natural Language Processing Integration

  • オートジェン: Allows for deep integration with various LLMs, giving developers flexibility to choose and fine-tune models that best fit their needs.

  • crewAI: Built on LangChain, provides a streamlined approach to natural language processing, offering out-of-the-box solutions for common NLP tasks.

User Interface and Accessibility

  • AutoGen: Requires a higher level of technical expertise, with developers interacting with the framework primarily through code.

  • crewAI: Provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible to a broader audience, including business users and those with limited coding experience.

Learning Curve and Technical Requirements

  • AutoGen: Has a steeper learning curve, requiring proficiency in Python and a good understanding of AI concepts and LLM architectures.

  • crewAI: Takes a more accessible approach, offering a user-friendly interface that reduces the need for extensive coding.

Scalability and Performance

  • AutoGen: Scalability is enhanced by its ability to integrate with Azure OpenAI Service, allowing developers to leverage cloud resources for handling large-scale agent operations and complex LLM workflows.

  • crewAI: Offers production-ready features through its CrewAI+ offering, including capabilities like webhooks, gRPC support, and detailed metrics, simplifying the process of scaling AI agent operations for businesses.

Ideal Use Cases

  • AutoGen: Shines in scenarios requiring sophisticated problem-solving capabilities, such as scientific research or fields like bioinformatics or climate modeling where complex computations are common.

  • crewAI: Excels in streamlining and automating business workflows, making it easier for non-technical teams to implement AI-driven automation across various business processes.

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    • AI&YOU#60

      AI Agent Use Case: Klarna's AI assistant has had 2.3 million conversations, two-thirds of Klarna’s customer service chats. It is doing the equivalent work of 700 full-time agents and is estimated to drive a $40 million USD in profit

    • オートゲンブログ1


      LLM / NLP
    • ai&you#61 (1)

      最先端のマルチエージェント・フレームワークであるAutoGenと高度な言語モデルであるLlama 3は、開発者がAIエージェントの作成と展開に取り組む方法を変えようとしています。マイクロソフトが開発したAutoGenは、洗練されたマルチエージェントシステムを構築するための包括的なプラットフォームとして際立っています。

      LLM / NLP

