Skim AI for Enterprises

Data intelligence solutions for better business decisions.

Powerful solutions to modernize the way your team discerns insights from data.


In data lies opportunity. Enterprise companies suffer from either too much data to sort through or not enough to provide valuable insights. Skim AI is changing that with easily implemented data science and AI solutions. Crawl more than 170 of the web’s most trusted sources to collect new information, or sync with your company’s database to find your teams’ previously published work.
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With collected and well-structured data, discovering trends and gathering insights becomes a more streamlined process. Search for exactly what you’re looking for and see results at the sentence level. Keep up with market changes and evolving news with half of the effort with AI-driven solutions.
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Keep your organization’s information in one place. As you pick up pieces to uncover a trend, store data in your customized Skim Library. With AI search and storing functionality, never duplicate efforts again. Share folders and files across teams to track resources by client, stock ticker, market or any other variable to support your company’s operations.
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Explore the Skim AI Toolbar features:

Try out the Chrome Extension for free

  • One-Click Summaries
  • Index your Database
  • Extract Facts & Quotes
  • Fact-Search Engine
  • News Search
  • Citation Management
  • Collaborative Research Tools
  • Shareable Research Boards

Looking for a custom solution?

Our tailored enterprise data intelligence solutions help teams find the information they need faster, organize, collaborate through and retrieve data from a proprietary database. With simple set up, you can start optimizing your research today.
